
Clicky clicky translations
Clicky clicky translations

  • Added prefix option for Tweets that are sent out on publish.
  • This makes sure auto tweet works when you’re posting from within an external editor.
  • Added option to auto tweet articles, removing the checkbox from the add post screen.
  • Made all strings localizable (is that even a word).
  • Made sure there’s no spaces in the Site ID when displaying it, should solve blank Dashboard Stats Page issue.
  • Added extra check to make sure returned a valid short URL before tweeting.
  • Made sure there are no spaces in site ID, site key and admin site key are always trimmed.
  • Auto-tweeting now only happens when a post is first published.
  • Fixed the bug that caused tweeting of updated posts.
  • clicky clicky translations

  • Added tracking of category and author as custom variables.
  • Switched to the new asynchronous javascript.
  • We’ll see later if there’s a way to add it back in more wisely.
  • Removed tracking of category and author due to complaints.
  • Another tiny bugfix on the js outputted.
  • Fixed bug that would cause tracking not to work if commenter name tracking was not enabled.
  • This plugin automatically inserts Clicky Web Analytics tracking code in each page of your website.
  • Tiny improvement in error handling to prevent „Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array“ error. Using a widget, Clicky Analytics Plugin displays detailed info and stats about: online users, number of visits, number of actions, bounce rates, organic searches, time average directly on your Admin Dashboard.
  • clicky clicky translations

    Remove integration that was no longer working anyway due to Twitter API changes.

    clicky clicky translations

    Update to work with the new CDN per this post.Made the admin class load conditionally instead of always.Fixed error in pointing the script to in. instead of.Added support for the new outbound link pattern matching.Added a small stats indicator of visitors in the last 48 to the WordPress toolbar.Removed dashboard widget, added Yoast news widget to the settings page.Removed some code that was no longer used.Made the Goal Tracking box work for all post types and made it smaller.No more unneeded JavaScript being loaded on the admin pages.Interface cleanup, interface no longer breaks on smaller resolutions.Forgot to remove a piece of code that’s no longer used.Fixed divide by zero on site with empty stats.Fixed a possible crash due to not having imagemagick compiled in.Prevent collission with utm username param.Stops explicit support for PHP -part now uses // instead of so it can switch to https.Fixes a bug where the Clicky blog feed wasn’t retrieved properly.Fixes a bug where the visitor graph in the admin bar would be shown even if the site information was invalid.Deprecates the clicky_admin_footer action hook in favour of the Yoast\WP\Clicky\admin_footer hook.Loads the admin-side scripts on the Clicky settings page only.replaces get_currentuserinfo() which was deprecated since WordPress 4.use the new library loader for Google Charts.switch to get_sites() while maintaining compatibility with older WP installs.ability to track Outbound Link Patterns.Fixes a PHP notice when video tracking isn’t enabled.major tracking code upgrade, uses the latest Clicky tracking code (with ndBeacon).remove the “X of Y support threads in the last…” text.removed some white spaces, causing footer issues.major tracking code upgrade, uses the latest Clicky tracking code.

    clicky clicky translations

    This plugin it’s released under the GPLv2, you can use it free of charge on your personal or commercial website. Analytics Insights – Connects Google Analytics with your WordPress site.Search Engine Insights – The perfect tool for viewing Google Search Console stats in your WordPress dashboard.Some features like video analytics and custom data tracking will require a Clicky Analytics Pro account. all clicky stats are available in a custom dashboard, under your blog’s administration panel.tools to comply with GDPR requests from your visitors.User privacy oriented features (GDPR and other): asynchronously load of Clicky Web Analytics tracking code.enable/disable Clicky Web Analytics tracking code.has multilingual support, a POT file is available for translations.option to display Clicky Analytics statistics on frontend, at the end of each article.option to display top 30 pages, referrers and searches (sortable by columns).cache feature, this improves loading speeds.you can access your website’s basic statistics in a widget on your Administration Dashboard.This plugin automatically inserts Clicky Web Analytics tracking code in each page of your website.Īuthorized users can also view Clicky stats like visitors and top searches, on frontend, at the end of each article. Using a widget, Clicky Analytics Plugin displays detailed info and stats about: online users, number of visits, number of actions, bounce rates, organic searches, time average directly on your Admin Dashboard.

    Clicky clicky translations